{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2013\/10\/02\/Sparkle--Where-are-update-checks-saved\/","trash":"","name":"Sparkle--Where-are-update-checks-saved","parent":"","title":"Sparkle: Where are update checks saved","date":"2013-10-02 21:31:28","filepath":"posts\/20131002_Sparkle--Where-are-update-checks-saved.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<p><img style=\"float: left; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;\" src=\"http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/media\/uploads\/Sparkle.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"72\" \/><a href=\"http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Sparkle_(software)\">Sparkle<\/a> is an OSX framework used for automating software. Once integrated into an application it will pull an appcast to see if it a newer version is available. If a newer version exists, it will download and install it. This framework frees developers from having to roll out their own update mechanism that lives outside the App Store.<\/p>\n<p>Built into Sparkle are little crumbs that make sure the update isn't performed too often since it will degrade the host application's performance. These preferences are saved in the host application's OSX preference\/properties location.<\/p>\n<p>When developing it is useful to be able to do an update check on every launch, which means clearing the crumbs Sparkle left behind. To do this use the \"defaults\" commandline tool:<\/p>\n<pre>$ defaults delete com.yourappdomainbundlename SUEnableAutomaticUpdates<\/pre>\n<pre><span style=\"white-space: normal;\">$ defaults delete com.yourappdomainbundlename SULastCheckTime<\/span><\/pre>\n<p>If you want to see what else Sparkle puts in your application preferences, just read them:<\/p>\n<pre>$ defaults read<span style=\"white-space: normal;\"> <\/span><span style=\"white-space: normal;\">com.yourappdomainbundlename<\/span><\/pre>"}}