
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2012\/03\/07\/tsa-incompetence-level-9000\/","trash":"","name":"tsa-incompetence-level-9000","parent":"","title":"TSA incompetence level 9000","date":"2012-03-07 22:02:20","filepath":"posts\/20001384_tsa-incompetence-level-9000.xml.json","type":"post","content":"The TSA has been running a scam by implementing the civil rights abusing nude body scanners. \u00a0The funny thing is they are in no way effective and they only serve to line the pockets of\u00a0contractors, lobbyists, and government officials. \u00a0The devices actually make air travel less safe since they cannot detect strategically placed objects and they emit radiation on the subject.\n\nIn short: If you want to get an object through airport security, head over to the higher security millimeter wave nude scanners with an object <strong>strapped to your side!<\/strong>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/olEoc_1ZkfA\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe><\/p>\nWhat sort of third grader with an engineering degree created a security scanning device that does not detect objects on the side of a person?\n\nThe TSA has not caught any terrorist attempt and they only serve to make the public feel secure and, ironically, disempowered. \u00a0The TSA intends to cow air travelers and slowly erode resistance to personal civil rights and liberties.\n\nWrite your senators and representatives urging them to stop the attack on Americans and return the TSA to the proven method of using old fashioned metal detectors and bomb sniffing dogs (or chemical sniffing machines... they exist).\n\n<em>read more of the article from <a href=\"http:\/\/tsaoutofourpants.wordpress.com\/2012\/03\/06\/1b-of-nude-body-scanners-made-worthless-by-blog-how-anyone-can-get-anything-past-the-tsas-nude-body-scanners\/\">TSAoutOfOurPants<\/a>.<\/em>"}}
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