
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/12\/21\/letter-to-congress-ndaa-hr-1540\/","trash":"","name":"letter-to-congress-ndaa-hr-1540","parent":"","title":"Letter to Congress: NDAA - HR 1540 (Updated)","date":"2011-12-21 10:28:50","filepath":"posts\/2000965_letter-to-congress-ndaa-hr-1540.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<strong><img class=\"alignleft size-full wp-image-802\" style=\"margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;\" title=\"congress\" src=\"http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/media\/uploads\/2011\/11\/congress.png\" alt=\"congress\" width=\"127\" height=\"68\" \/>Updated: <\/strong>Senator Boxer sent a very quick and sincere reply to this message. \u00a0You can\u00a0<a href=\"http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/2011\/12\/22\/boxers-response-to-ndaa\/\">read it here<\/a>.\n\nNDAA (<a href=\"http:\/\/www.votesmart.org\/bill\/14203\/37467\/national-defense-authorization-act-for-fiscal-year-2012\">HR 1540<\/a>) has some provisions slipped inside which give the government the power to detain American citizens without due process indefinitely. \u00a0There is no requirement of proof or any validation for the reason of detainment. \u00a0It is solely up to the\u00a0discretion\u00a0of the US Government.\n\nI sent this (or a slightly different\/tailored version) to Boxer, Feinstein, and Pelosi.\n<blockquote>You are a Senator, right? \u00a0You understand the importance of our nation and what defines it, right? \u00a0You took an oath, right?\n\nHow can you vote Yes on a bill that has provisions which give the President\/Government the power to detain its citizenry without Due Process?\n\nWhat country are we in? \u00a0This is America and you voting for HR 1540 clearly indicates you care very little for the fundamental rights we cherish.\n\nYou, Feinstein, Pelosi, Obama, anyone associated with the GOP are one massive let down after another.\n\nYou have no idea how it feels to have leadership that does not have the general welfare of its people in mind. \u00a0It's like talking to a wall.\n\nSince when did the US government get beyond the reach of the people? \u00a0There is no one to turn to; no alternative. \u00a0Everyone in office is the same, detrimental.\n\nThese are harsh words, but my intention is to help you realize what you are doing to our rights and liberties. \u00a0Senator Boxer, you have made some strong decisions and stood up for civil rights in the past (Telecom immunity and Net Neutrality), but you have also made just as many bad decisions. \u00a0It is perplexing.\n\nIt appears you may need to adjust your tack, even if it means heading against the wind. \u00a0Don't betray us, even if it is politically easier for you to do so.\n\nI'll close this message with the following quote.\n\n\"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.\"<\/blockquote>\nRecall the fabled question of \"When does an apple cease to be an apple?\" \u00a0Is it after the first bite? the second? \u00a0Once all the fruit is eaten away, you realize you have only the core.\n\nWhile we keep whittling away our civil rights, liberties, and freedoms, when does America cease to be America?\n\nAmerica was founded on the principle of \"For the people; by the people.\" \u00a0When our government stops protecting the rights that in turn protect us,<strong> it is no longer American.<\/strong>\n\n<em>more info on NDAA and its ramifications at the <a href=\"http:\/\/www.ibtimes.com\/articles\/269456\/20111219\/ndaa-2012-spirit-u-s-human-rights.htm\">International Business Times<\/a> and\u00a0<a href=\"http:\/\/motherjones.com\/politics\/2011\/12\/did-congress-just-endorse-rendition-americans\">Mother Jones<\/a>.<\/em>\n\n<em>see how your <a href=\"http:\/\/www.votesmart.org\/bill\/14203\/37467\/national-defense-authorization-act-for-fiscal-year-2012\">congressman voted<\/a> on NDAA<\/em>"}}
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