
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/10\/28\/adventures-in-depression\/","trash":"","name":"adventures-in-depression","parent":"","title":"Adventures in Depression","date":"2011-10-28 10:18:28","filepath":"posts\/2000733_adventures-in-depression.xml.json","type":"post","content":"What a wonderful segment on depression and self-hate sapping all motivation. \u00a0This train of though analysis of the build-up of depression and the difficulty to escape it is top notch.\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a href=\"http:\/\/hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com\/2011\/10\/adventures-in-depression.html\"><img class=\"aligncenter\" title=\"Adventures of Depression\" src=\"http:\/\/3.bp.blogspot.com\/-epdoAsm4Zlo\/TqjHFVPEJ4I\/AAAAAAAAGWs\/HZQkdtgfszU\/s640\/sad26.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"384\" height=\"288\" \/><\/a><\/p>\nIsn't it interesting the most mundane events can become one of the most important transitions of your life? \u00a0Life isn't a comic book, but this comic analysis is spot on.\n\nThank you <a href=\"http:\/\/hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com\">Hyperbole and a Half<\/a>. \u00a0Your artwork is astounding."}}
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