
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/10\/13\/superhero-arrested-in-seattle\/","trash":"","name":"superhero-arrested-in-seattle","parent":"","title":"Superhero arrested in Seattle","date":"2011-10-13 09:59:48","filepath":"posts\/2000697_superhero-arrested-in-seattle.xml.json","type":"post","content":"The real Superhero Phoenix Jones was arrested in Seattle for what appears to be breaking up a fight. \u00a0See the footage below:\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe src=\"http:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/30307440?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0\" width=\"400\" height=\"295\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen><\/iframe><p><a href=\"http:\/\/vimeo.com\/30307440\">Phoenix Jones Stops Assault<\/a> from <a href=\"http:\/\/vimeo.com\/user3381546\">Ryan McNamee<\/a> on <a href=\"http:\/\/vimeo.com\">Vimeo<\/a>.<\/p><\/p>\nHere is a list of a few assaults that occurred in the video:\n<ul>\n\t<li>Initial fight between the men of the group (there's some guy with his cell phone out filming it too).<\/li>\n\t<li>Phoenix spraying pepper spray to break up the fight.<\/li>\n\t<li>The stupid women attacking with high heel shoes.<\/li>\n\t<li>People throwing bottles at a car.<\/li>\n\t<li>A car hitting a pedestrian.<\/li>\n\t<li>A group of men chasing the men in costume.<\/li>\n\t<li>etc...<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nThese Super Heroes must enjoy the thrill of \"stopping crime.\"\n\nAlso, Phoenix has some massive thighs.\n\n<em>See more detail on another post about <a href=\" http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/2011\/06\/02\/real-life-supe\u2026-san-francisco\/\">Super Heroes in San Francisco<\/a>.<\/em>"}}
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