
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/09\/28\/1-out-of-3-sun-like-stars-have-an-earth-like-planet\/","trash":"","name":"1-out-of-3-sun-like-stars-have-an-earth-like-planet","parent":"","title":"1 out of 3 Sun like stars have an Earth like planet","date":"2011-09-28 15:12:44","filepath":"posts\/2000664_1-out-of-3-sun-like-stars-have-an-earth-like-planet.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<a href=\"http:\/\/www.technologyreview.com\/blog\/arxiv\/27198\/\" target=\"_blank\"><img class=\"alignright\" style=\"margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px;\" title=\"33percent\" src=\"http:\/\/www.technologyreview.com\/blog\/arxiv\/files\/71581\/Kepler%20exoplanets.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"53\" height=\"50\" \/><\/a>This is big news. \u00a0This makes the probability of finding life on other planets much higher. \u00a0It also means there are a bunch of options when it comes to colonizing other planets.\n\nThe skinny:\n<blockquote>\"Astronomers have calculated the likelihood of finding Earth-like planets around other stars using the latest data from the Kepler mission.\"\n\n\"About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable-zone planet.\"<\/blockquote>\nThe <a href=\"http:\/\/www.technologyreview.com\/blog\/arxiv\/27198\/\" target=\"_blank\">article at TechnologyReview<\/a> (published by MIT)\n\n<a href=\"http:\/\/www.technologyreview.com\/blog\/arxiv\/27198\/\">http:\/\/www.technologyreview.com\/blog\/arxiv\/27198\/<\/a>"}}
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