
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/08\/27\/smooth-snoop\/","trash":"","name":"smooth-snoop","parent":"","title":"Spyware: Smooth Gestures on Chrome tracks your browsing","date":"2011-08-27 10:41:19","filepath":"posts\/2000430_smooth-snoop.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<img class=\"alignleft size-full wp-image-431\" style=\"margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;\" title=\"smooth gestures on chrome is spyware\" src=\"http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/media\/uploads\/2011\/08\/smoothgestures.png\" alt=\"smooth gestures on chrome is spyware\" width=\"77\" height=\"77\" \/>I love using mouse gestures on my browser. \u00a0For a while I used <a href=\"https:\/\/chrome.google.com\/webstore\/detail\/lfkgmnnajiljnolcgolmmgnecgldgeld\" target=\"_blank\">Smooth Gestures<\/a> on Chrome until I found out it is <strong>spyware<\/strong>.\n\nEvery time\u00a0you visit a page while having the Smooth Gestures enabled, the extension sends the URL of the page you visited to <a href=\"http:\/\/www.smoothgesturesapp.com\" target=\"_blank\">http:\/\/www.smoothgesturesapp.com<\/a>.\n\nThere is an option for the extension to disable gesture usage, but it does nothing. \u00a0Even when you disable sending usage, the extension continues to send your data to another server.\n\nIt is <strong>not\u00a0recommend<\/strong> to use Smooth Gestures if you care about security and dislike spyware.\n\n<strong>Note:<\/strong> You too can see what is being sent by the extension if you open <em>Tools -&gt; Developer Tools \u00a0(or CTRL+Shift+I) -&gt; Network. <\/em>Then refresh a page like http:\/\/www.asdf.com and watch the http request timeline. \u00a0Keep an eye open for smoothgesturesapp.com."}}
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