
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/08\/24\/atomicage\/","trash":"","name":"atomicage","parent":"","title":"Find out how many nukes exploded since your birthday","date":"2011-08-24 13:48:56","filepath":"posts\/2000374_atomicage.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<img class=\"alignleft\" style=\"margin-right: 10px;\" title=\"atomicage\" src=\"http:\/\/zygmy.com\/images\/logo_alpha.png\" alt=\"atomicage\" width=\"72\" height=\"72\" \/>A Facebook app called <a href=\"http:\/\/apps.facebook.com\/atomicage\/\" target=\"_blank\">AtomicAge<\/a> was created in an effort to raise nuclear weapon proliferation awareness by showing the sometimes surprising number of nuclear weapon detonations since your birthday.\n\nIt was nice to see the app only asking for my birth year and month. \u00a0It obviously wasn't created to data mine.\n\nThe app also has this gem:\n<blockquote>\"Note: We don't need to know your exact birthday and we suggest you don't give your exact birth date to strangers.\"<\/blockquote>\n&nbsp;\n\n<a href=\"http:\/\/apps.facebook.com\/atomicage\" target=\"_blank\"><img class=\"size-full wp-image-375 aligncenter\" title=\"516\" src=\"http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/media\/uploads\/2011\/08\/516.jpg\" alt=\"516 nukes\" width=\"473\" height=\"127\" \/><\/a>\n\nThere's also a really neat (yet scary once you think about it) video created by\u00a0Hashimoto Isao once you find out your <a href=\"http:\/\/apps.facebook.com\/atomicage\/\" target=\"_blank\">Atomic Age<\/a> reminiscent\u00a0of Atari games."}}
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