
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/07\/18\/hypocricy-an-american-theocracy\/","trash":"","name":"hypocricy-an-american-theocracy","parent":"","title":"Hypocrisy: An American Theocracy","date":"2011-07-18 13:59:09","filepath":"posts\/2000276_hypocricy-an-american-theocracy.xml.json","type":"post","content":"Just as many condemn Muslim Sharia law in the United States, there is a pocket of fundamentalist Jews in\u00a0Kiryas Joel located in upstate New York where the villagers erected a sign telling visitors to cover up and separate men and women.\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"349\" src=\"http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/3sdjV9egTUc\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe><\/p>\nWhy isn't this in the world news? \u00a0The American double standard is alive and well. \u00a0Unlike others being too afraid to\u00a0criticize\u00a0the Jewish religion, I am not one to hold back.\n\nThe taxi driver interviewed in the video parrots the cowardly\u00a0appeasement\u00a0stance by saying they have a right to do this and offended people should not be argued with. \u00a0He is simply wrong. \u00a0They have <strong>no right<\/strong> to do this and everyone is subject to argument.\n\nNo religion can get away from criticism simply because it is a religion. \u00a0If a group is offended over personal freedom, they do not believe in the principles of democracy and human rights. \u00a0They are simply a threat to American principles, which have taken so long to be available to the majority (think Salem Witch Trials and that slavery issue).\n\nThis doesn't mean they should be stripped of their freedom, which they are so apt to do. \u00a0They instead should be ready for the judicial\u00a0repercussions\u00a0of their narrow minded opinion and actions. \u00a0Not only that, groups like this should be targeted\u00a0aggressively by state officials\u00a0and\u00a0incur\u00a0a heavy penalty.\n\nIf you haven't noticed, the Jewish and Muslim religions are not in my favor. \u00a0It is indeed\u00a0vital\u00a0to recognize the harm any and all religion has brought about the world. \u00a0So, do not give the\u00a0benefit\u00a0of the doubt or a free pass to anyone childish enough to continue to believe in Christianity, Islam,\u00a0Judaism, Hinduism, Zeus, Ra, etc... \u00a0They should be considered irrational, mentally unstable, and a threat to society.\n\nvia <a href=\"http:\/\/andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com\/2011\/07\/an-american-theocracy.html\" target=\"_blank\">Andrew Sullivan: The Dish<\/a>"}}
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