
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/06\/13\/conversation-profiling-with-talk-o-meter\/","trash":"","name":"conversation-profiling-with-talk-o-meter","parent":"","title":"Conversation profiling with Talk-o-Meter","date":"2011-06-13 11:18:58","filepath":"posts\/2000133_conversation-profiling-with-talk-o-meter.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<a href=\"http:\/\/www.talk-o-meter.de\/e\/\" target=\"_blank\"><img class=\"alignleft\" style=\"margin: 5px;\" title=\"talkometer\" src=\"http:\/\/www.talk-o-meter.de\/pics\/wortwaage-h300.png\" alt=\"Talk-O-Meter\" width=\"120\" height=\"180\" \/><\/a>There's a new neat iPhone app out there called <a href=\"http:\/\/www.talk-o-meter.de\/e\/\" target=\"_blank\">Talk-O-Meter<\/a> to help you identify people who dominate conversations. Now, this could be used in a negative way... as in \"Look, you blabber mouth, you need to learn to listen more\" or it could be used for good.\n\nMost beneficial and worthwhile conversations have both speakers talking about the same amount of time. \u00a0So, with this application you can determine who you <strong>should<\/strong> be talking to.\n\nWell of course, the content of a conversation is a huge factor too. But, I doubt there will be an app saying, \"You converse at a 3rd grade level. Lighten up on the poo jokes.\"\n\n<em>More at <a href=\"http:\/\/www.talk-o-meter.de\/e\/\" target=\"_blank\">Talk-O-Meter<\/a>.<\/em>"}}
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