
{"item":{"status":"visible","url":"\/2011\/06\/02\/real-life-super-heroes-in-san-francisco\/","trash":"","name":"real-life-super-heroes-in-san-francisco","parent":"","title":"Real life super heroes in San Francisco","date":"2011-06-02 11:02:51","filepath":"posts\/2000101_real-life-super-heroes-in-san-francisco.xml.json","type":"post","content":"<a href=\"http:\/\/thebolditalic.com\/JustinJuul\/stories\/777-san-francisco-bay-guardians\" target=\"_blank\"><img class=\"alignleft size-full wp-image-102\" style=\"margin: 5px;\" title=\"heroes\" src=\"http:\/\/www.8bitrobot.com\/media\/uploads\/2011\/05\/heros.jpg\" alt=\"Real life super heroes\" width=\"150\" height=\"170\" \/><\/a>You have to hand it to these guys. They are standing up for what is right and are staring fear in both eyes (from both physical and social injury).\n\nAt night these guys put on costumes and walk around the Tenderloin and other unsavory places around SF in an effort to keep the public safe.\n\n<em>Read more at <a href=\"http:\/\/thebolditalic.com\/JustinJuul\/stories\/777-san-francisco-bay-guardians\" target=\"_blank\">thebolditalic.com<\/a>.<\/em>\n\n<em>Become a super hero yourself at <a href=\"http:\/\/www.reallifesuperheroes.com\/\" target=\"_blank\">Real Life Superheroes<\/a>.<\/em>"}}
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